Monday, April 9, 2012

EigenMan - An Introduction

What does it mean?

This is the question that I know will be asked by the majority of those who hear of my blog. The name EigenMan does invoke a certain amount of bewilderment even to those who have an understanding of linear algebra. Fear not! Linear algebra is not a prerequisite for the reading of this publication. Now that I have set your mind at ease, I will attempt to explain the name.
Eigen is a german word and its exact meaning is disputed to this day. Like me, it is an enigma. Some claim the word means peculiar. Others say that "characteristic" is a better translation. Another interpretation is the word "own" as in, "He is his own man."In linear algebra certain matrices have specific "eigenvectors" that act differently than any of the infinite number of non-eigenvectors when multiplied by the specific matrix.
Coupling this german adjective with the suffix "man" seems to designate a superhero in the tradition of superman, batman, spiderman and others. This may seem mildly egotistical. To those who see it as such, I pose a question. What is wrong with aspiring to be a hero? True heroism comes from self sacrifice and putting others before yourself. I think that this is a good goal to strive for. I do not claim to be a hero now but maybe someday, the writer of this blog will become one.
Be warned that the ambiguity of the name may be an indication of the post which follow this one. I liked the lack of definition because it gives me the freedom to write about whatever I am thinking at the time. My mind wanders through diverse places and each new post may lend a whole new meaning to what this blog is.

We shall see!


  1. ahh hahaha! I'm so excited that you've started a blog. Perfect name, perfectly you.
