Monday, May 21, 2012

Master of Chicken and Olive Oil

Food in it's native environment.




Not bad for my first "real" meal. This bachelor will survive!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A rant (Ironically stated designation)

The cursor blinks and so do I. We are at an impasse. My arms fold and my brow furrows but the blink never falters. I know what it wants but somehow I just can't do it. In no hurry, it blinks again. It will wait as long as it takes me to give in.
I know I can't win. In desperation I sigh, pound some keys and press send. My letter is on the move.

Have you ever thought about the fact that every email has a blatantly defined subject?

It bothers me. Gone are the days when a letter could remain veiled in casual purposelessness until the opportune moment. Our society demands that the intent of any dispatch be discernible at a two second glance. Are our communications so deteriorated in complexity that they can be summarized in one deft swoop?

I can understand how some people can find this section of an email desirable, though. If for example, I was the Queen of England, I would take great pride in filling that blasted little box. "As I am the reigning monarch of the British Empire, my subjects are far too numerous to be listed in this dreadfully small rectangle." If however, I was Robinson Crusoe, I would be somewhat abashed to eternally fill the box with the single word, "Friday."

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Low Calorie Electricity

Step 1 - Raspberries

Step 2 - Contemplation 

Step 3 - Glass slides with titanium dioxide and graphite

Result - Solar cell

It only produced 30 microampres of current but that was still three times as much current as the university's previous record-holder. We beat the reigning champ!


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Coming Glory

Today was a warm one. The sunny days which had been floating tauntingly before my nose were snatched away and replaced with a multitude of fat snowflakes which rode into the library on my sweater.  On days like this, it is easy to imagine that nature could turn on a dime, click its heels and start back towards christmas. 
Ignoring my senses, I know that summer is coming. The laws of nature have shown themselves time and again to be unfazed by appearances. The earth is on its way around the sun and I rest assured that sweater days are coming to a halt. The fluctuations of temperature have nothing to do with the impending glory.
I too will rise from the iced frost of winter's death. The fact that I stumble sometimes has nothing to do with the glory that will be made manifest in me. The Word of God tells me that a brighter day is coming.

"Being confident of this very thing. that He which has begun a good work in you will preform it until the day of Jesus Christ:" - Philippians 1:6

"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see him as he is." - I John 3:2

Monday, April 9, 2012

EigenMan - An Introduction

What does it mean?

This is the question that I know will be asked by the majority of those who hear of my blog. The name EigenMan does invoke a certain amount of bewilderment even to those who have an understanding of linear algebra. Fear not! Linear algebra is not a prerequisite for the reading of this publication. Now that I have set your mind at ease, I will attempt to explain the name.
Eigen is a german word and its exact meaning is disputed to this day. Like me, it is an enigma. Some claim the word means peculiar. Others say that "characteristic" is a better translation. Another interpretation is the word "own" as in, "He is his own man."In linear algebra certain matrices have specific "eigenvectors" that act differently than any of the infinite number of non-eigenvectors when multiplied by the specific matrix.
Coupling this german adjective with the suffix "man" seems to designate a superhero in the tradition of superman, batman, spiderman and others. This may seem mildly egotistical. To those who see it as such, I pose a question. What is wrong with aspiring to be a hero? True heroism comes from self sacrifice and putting others before yourself. I think that this is a good goal to strive for. I do not claim to be a hero now but maybe someday, the writer of this blog will become one.
Be warned that the ambiguity of the name may be an indication of the post which follow this one. I liked the lack of definition because it gives me the freedom to write about whatever I am thinking at the time. My mind wanders through diverse places and each new post may lend a whole new meaning to what this blog is.

We shall see!