Thursday, February 5, 2015


Science has come to the conclusion that our physical universe and consequently our observable reality is composed of the remnants of an ancient cosmic explosion. In an instant, the all-encompassing entirety of the universe came into existence at a singular point in the empty void of three dimensional space. The superconcentrated energy exploded across the emptiness and began to condense into the fundamental particles of matter. Protons and electrons began their timeless waltz for the first time and hydrogen was born. From hydrogen, the cosmic stew conspired to build the bigger and more interesting atoms necessary for our own existence using stellar furnaces and the inconceivable pressure of supernovae.
This idea that everything was spontaneously formed from nothing is contrary our most fundamental understanding of the universe: the law of energy conservation. The theory that total emptiness exploded defies reason and yet it is our best explanation for our existence. How could the energy corresponding the mass of the universe multiplied by the speed of light squared come to exist in an infinitely dense, zero-dimensional space? The only plausible explanation for this situation is that the energy was translated into our physical dimensions from another unseen dimension.
The unimaginable vastness of the galaxies gives us a clue as to the magnitude of whatever power is responsible for the transfer of energy required for the composition of our reality. Not until the first atomic explosion was unleashed did humanity catch a glimpse of the amount of energy it took to form the matter in each of our atoms. Imagine the reciprocal force of the nuclear detonation of all known matter from a single point and you entertain an idea of the enormity of whatever unseen entity fathered our tangible surroundings.
While the scientific community has only relatively recently proposed such theories the underlying idea that I present is not entirely a new one. The apostle Paul wrote that: “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Could it be that the unseen power behind the infamous “big bang” is none other than the God of the Bible who Paul preached? Could it be that one word from the Almighty was saturated with the energy which composes our very atoms and that the echoes of his sovereign expression even now reverberate in the oscillations of our innermost electrons? Could it be that we are literally breathing echoes of the very voice of God.
His breath was rich with purpose. His words were heavy with meaning. Yes, meaning: the very thing that all our scientific breakthroughs have failed to uncover. The God of the Bible inspired the prophet Isaiah to write thus: “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” If this is true, then even when the last star fades into darkness and the last physical remnant of our universe ceases to be, something of this externally transient existence will remain and return to the author of our being.

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